Extract from State Platform of the Libertarian Party of Texas 

As adopted July 2020

Current and complete State Platform available at:

  • We, the Libertarian Party of Texas (LPTexas), seek the maximum protection for the rights of all people against any violation, be it by other people, other nations, or our own government. We oppose the initiation of force, threat of harm, coercion, or fraud as a means of achieving personal, political, or social goals.


  • Every human being is born sole owner of his or her body and mind, free to live and act as he or she sees fit. It is our principle that, so long as a person does not violate the rights of others, he or she should be left free and unrestrained.


  • LPTexas opposes coercion of peaceful individuals. Governments may only exist for the sole purpose of defending the freedoms of people. These freedoms include the right to life; the right to liberty of thought, speech and action; and the right to property.


  • Government is, essentially, raw concentrated force, and thus, prone to abuse. It is established and tolerated only as the agent and servant of the people–not their master. The force of government must be used only in response to an attack, fraud, or other initiation of force against an individual, group or government by another individual, group or government.


  • Governments have no business interfering in voluntary and contractual relations amongst individuals. All people should be equal before the law, free to deal with one another in a free market, the only system compatible with the principle of individual rights.


  • Government should reflect the consent of the governed and not subject individuals to tyranny of the majority. Where it exists, government must be kept to the minimum necessary to protect the rights of individuals. LPTexas holds that all human interaction should be voluntary and consensual, in accordance with the Non-Aggression Principle. 


On January 21, 1972 Texas became an affiliate of the Libertarian Party.



Current and complete State Oath and Certificate of Affiliation, and associated Party and State regulations are available at:

According to Texas Election Code and the State Rules of the Libertarian Party of Texas (the “Party”), administration of this oath of affiliation certifies the eligibility of the person taking it to become a Voting Member of the Party.

By taking this oath, I declare the following statements are true:

  • I hereby certify that I do not believe in or advocate the initiation of force as a means of achieving political or social goals.
  • I have read and generally support the Party’s Statement of Principles.
  • I am a qualified Texas voter and understand eligibility requirements..
  • I swear that I have not voted in a primary election or participated in a convention of another party during this voting year. I hereby affiliate myself with the Libertarian Party.

Further, I understand that my Voting Membership of the Party, and all the rights it imparts, shall terminate upon any of the above statements no longer being true or if I fail to affiliate with the Party on the date of the next Precinct Conventions.                          


Further Information at Chapter 162 of the Texas Election Code.
